Page 4 - December2018_MS_Chesterfield
P. 4

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people struggle with hunger in the U.S.1
                10 million lb.
amount of food UNFI donates to Feeding America® each year.3
  Top Canned
items needed
at food banks: chili, fruit, stew, meat, soup, fish, beans, chicken, vegetables.2
The holiday season is upon us, and most of us are looking forward to celebrating with family and friends over a delicious, home-cooked meal. But while some are planning and shopping for large holiday menus, others are struggling to put food on their tables.
Today in the U.S. 41 million people face hunger, including 13 million children and over 5 million seniors. Food donations are especially needed this time of year so that food banks can keep up with the higher holiday demand.
Canned goods and other non-perishables are best for donating – offer these items at your register or call them out in-store, and make it easy for your customers to help their neighbors in need.
1 “No One Can Thrive on an Empty Stomach”– – 2018 2 “20 Items Food Banks Need the Most...”– – 2018
3 “Charitable Giving”– –2018

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