Page 16 - GIWIH_January2020
P. 16

Keeping Keto in Mind
The keto diet, short for ketogenic, is a restrictive diet that significantly lowers carbohydrates and increases fat and protein.
The goal is to reach ketosis: when the body starts burning fat for energy instead of sugar.
If you’ve cooked for the Atkins craze, then you’re familiar with cooking for keto. The only difference between the two diets is that carbs are never re-introduced into keto meals. Advocates say that by eating this way, you can lose a significant amount of weight, enjoy enhanced health, performance and brain function.
Some meal ideas include zucchini noodles with chicken and tomatoes, grilled salmon with lemon and baked eggs in an avocado.
Beef Biltong
Just the Cheese Crunchy Aged Cheddar Bar EPIC
Chicken Sriracha Bar Quevos
Egg White Chips
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get it while it’s hot
small bars in our top 4 flavors
bite-sized Tiny Tony’s in 100-count boxes
(with individual UPC codes)

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