Page 22 - GIWIH_November2019
P. 22

 Easiest Herbs to Grow Indoors
Lemongrass Chives
Parsley Vietnamese Coriander Oregano Thyme
Basil Rosemary
Fresh herbs can make the dish and bring color and zest to your menu items. But buying fresh herbs can be expensive, and you may not be able to find the ones you need year round.
Some establishments are finding innovative ways to solve this issue by growing their own. Flower boxes can be installed inside on kitchen walls, or even in dining rooms for a warm and aromatic display. Some utilize roof space or install a greenhouse out back.
Partner with a local farm to provide organic soil in exchange for compostable kitchen waste.
Feature seasonal herbs in your chef specials throughout the year.
Growing Tips
• If growing herbs indoors, buy plants that haven’t been growing outside. The shock can affect growth and production.
• Plant each herb in its own container with ample drainage and high quality soil.
• One of the easiest ways to feed your herbs is to add one tablespoon of fish emulsion to a gallon of water and use this every time you water.
 • Let the soil dry between waterings.
Sources: 9 Easiest Herbs to Grow Indoors, More, May 2019; 16 Easy-to-Grow Herbs, Better Homes & Gardens, Nov. 2018; Ten of the Best Herbs to Grow in Containers, The Guardian, Aug 2014
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